Gtd workflowy
Gtd workflowy

The hidden search operators are well worth learning as it gives search a boost of meaningful power. The four elements come together to give me a feeling of control.

  • Combining search, hyperlink tags, starred pages and the outline I can find what I need to do or reference.
  • Almost all entries are tagged, excluding notes, reference entries, and non-task related items.
  • I process tasks and other info straight into the best place in my outline.
  • With WorkFlowy in mind, I have an operating model for how it’s used and this seems to keep me on track with how my life needs to run. I have a simple process that hinges on a basic form of GTD that includes calendar, in-trays, and a filing system.

    gtd workflowy

    Keyboard shortcuts (while its total mouse drove the kb shortcuts makes it even faster to use.).Click to focus and bread crumbs ( you can easily zoom into a level so that becomes the whole page and backtrack where you came from).Hyperlink tags (add a hash or tag an entry to create layers of classification).Indexed search (this is powerful when used with the hidden operators).Hierarchy (like using bullet lists this is my outline).It’s in the cloud (accessible almost anywhere).Simplicity (it gets out the way and lets you think and flow).Features THE 8 THINGS THAT MAKE WORKFLOWY SHINE

    #Gtd workflowy android

    Workflowy, supports iPhone, iPad, Android and on desktop computers. For me it covers tasks, notes, reference lists, brainstorming ideas, creating outlines for content and planning projects. It's completely FREE and extremely easy to use. It’s essentially an outline with some powerful features that combine to serve as a remarkable organisation tool. Simple to use, but incredibly powerful, WorkFlowy can help you manage all the information in your life.

    gtd workflowy

    WorkFlowy is a beautiful tool for taking notes and making lists.

    Gtd workflowy